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We want to keep you informed about recent tariff changes enacted by the United States, which may affect certain products. If your order is impacted by these changes, we will contact you directly with further details.
Our team is closely monitoring the situation to minimize any disruptions and will provide updates as needed.
Due to dimension and weight limitations assessed by our shipping provider, orders made with an extraordinary amount of weight, height or sizes may be subject to an additional freight charge.
Disclaimer: Shipping to Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Alaska, subject to increase shipping costs or cancellation. Tackle Depot reserves the right to cancel any shipment and provide a full refund.
If you would like to exchange or return an item, please contact us directly by email.
Canadian Archery Supply will not accept items that have been used, worn, washed or abused. Please use the original packaging that the items were shipped in to return them.
Before calling to check the status of your return, please allow seven working days for your package to be returned. The buyer will pay the return shipping, and depending on the reason for return will be reimbursed by Canadian Archery Supply.