AMS Arrow Shafts w/4" vanes

As the #1 brand in bowfishing, AMS is committed to providing the absolute straightest, most consistent shooting arrow shafts available. We inspect every shaft we sell!

Three blank arrow shaft options in solid fibreglass. 100% Made in the USA

Every arrow shaft is inspected for straightness and weight for arrow-to-arrow consistency (all arrow shaft models)

AMS Fibreglass Shaft

AMS fibreglass shafts are glossy smooth, super-straight and ultra-durable! You’ll find that they are the straightest, best quality shafts on the market! Each shaft is manually inspected by AMS for straightness and only the straightest shafts are used! Each shaft is 5/16” in diameter and 32” long. Arrow Shafts by AMS Bowfishing® are manufactured to accept the patented AMS EverGlide® Safety Slide® System (US Patent 6,517,453). This system, if used properly, ensures that your line will remain out in front of the arrow rest and away from the bowstring on the shot. Just tie your line to the slide, nock the arrow with the shock pad on top while keeping the slide in front of your arrow rest.

Availability: Out Of Stock